Friday, February 13, 2009

In Good Spirits!

Dad did so well today! He was in such good spirits. He had great care today too. His nurse Jeanna was a real cutie. He's had her a few other times and she takes such good care of him! 
Dad was so reminiscent of his childhood, telling stories and sharing memories along side his Brother Gary. They laughed, they cried, they each took turns at the memories. I sat back and captured what I could in the memory book we write in each time we visit his room. I think he'll like reading it in the near future. 
I think Dad looks so good in this picture. You can see a slight smile. Gary was so ecstatic when he walked in the room and heard Dad talking through his valve (button). He got a little giddy and dove right in! Dad loved every minute of it!
Uncle Gary, Sonja and Heidi (me) spent the evening chatting with Dad, learning some physical therapy for Dad's legs, and plastering Hearts all over Dad's room! His window is especially impressive! I of course spaced taking a picture so that will come later...hopefully tomorrow.


  1. Kirby,

    Time can give us a view into our memories. Memory holds time still to give us an opportunity to learn from our experiences in mortality. My memories of you give me the joy of eternity because of the great love you have for life and everyone and everything around you.

    The other day I came into your room and asked, "How are you feeling about all this?" You answered, "I am happy." I asked, "Why are you happy and you answered, "I had ice today." You have expressed to me your appreciation for the miracle that has been given you to live each day. You tell me that you feel like Job and that even if God slay you, you trust Him and and are so grateful that you can see, and hear and think and have an opportunity to glorify your Heavenly Father in this mortal realm.

    Thank you for all the lessons you have given me as we have traveled the last five years together. We met Feb. 15, 2004 on a Sunday at a Fireside. This year, Feb. 15, is again on a Sunday. This anniversary is the beginning of new challenges to be shared in learning and growing together. I love you, Kirby, as so many people do. You were, are and will always be an inspiration and a leader to all you know you. Love always and forever, Linda

  2. Hey, this is JO-Elle Tibbs, Linda's daughter. I just found out about this blog and I think it is a great idea. Thanks for all the updates. Please let me know if there is anything I can help with.

    Our prayers are with you.


  3. Oh Heidi your dad looks good!
