Tuesday, July 21, 2009

:( complications, rushed to the ER at IMC :(

Only one week at Garden Terrace, Kirby/Dad is back at I.M.C.Hospital. After being rushed to emergency last week, and spending a few days in I.C.U., IMC has stabilized our Dad and he is hopefully back on track to recovery. His blood pressure had dropped so dramatically last week that he was not coherent. He also had a high fever. He was acting delirious!...after many tests at the hospital, all symptions pointed to an infection. Others would have known they had an infection immediately, but due to the fact that Dad is paralyzed, he did not feel anything. It's hard for people, even nurses, to comprehend how fragile Kirby/Dad's life is right now. It's very difficult to regulate his blood pressure, body temperature, oxygen levels, vitals, and the list goes on and on...it's a daily challenge.
Now it is Tuesday. Dad was transferred back to Garden Terrace last night. His Doctors and charge nurses sent more procautionary measures for the skilled nursing facility to follow. This has been a set-back for Dad, but he is a fighter and says that "this too shall pass". His spirits have been lower than usual, but with all of our help, we will rise to the occasion once again...cheering and lifting him up!! I bought him a new cell. phone yesterday, but NO phone numbers are in it. When you go visit, please enter your phone number in his cell. phone directory for him. Let's all step up to the plate and bring a ray of sunshine to Kirby/Dad this week! :) xoxoxo SONJA

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