Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

Daddy, you are doing well today. You were more alert than you've ever been for me thus far, since the accident. You were trying to communicate with me by mouthing words and using your hands to spell words. You were trying to cough just before I left this afternoon...I was worried. It went on for a half hour. It looked so painful. This must be horrific for you. With your back surgery, broken ribs, collapsed lung.... I hope that your pnemonia starts to clear up and you can fight off the MRSA. I think you'll be able to breath and sleep much better then. You look very tired. Your physical therapy went well this morning. You were able to sit up, with help of your p.t. & balance yourself upright with your arms down at your sides for a few seconds. They're working hard with you. We are praying for you all day long and your phone has been ringing off the hook with friends and family wanting to know how you're doing. You are strong Dad! You're a fighter... You're going to get through this. There are brighter days ahead! Might our Heavenly Father pour out His spirit of comfort upon you & bless you with strength to endure this trial. Our Savior has endured all things & I know He is mindful of you Daddy. May He buoy you up & ease your pain & suffering, so you can recover is my prayer today. God speed until tomorrow "Dadio". We love you so much!! xoxo Sonja

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